The Wisdom of Leadership that Lasts

Warm Up

What is your idea of a great vacation plan?

____ Spending time at the beach

____ Snow skiing in the mountains

____ Hiking or cycling

____ Visiting National Parks

____ Visiting historic or interesting places

____ Exploring overseas destinations

____ Taking a cruise

____ Visiting relatives

____ Staycation

____ Other

Who is the most authentically spiritual person you have ever known and how did they influence you for Christ?

Exploring 1 Corinthians 3:1-23

Remember that the Corinthian church had factions who were quarreling with one another. How do you think they might have received verses 1-4? Paul suggests that their maturity is stunted because of jealousy and strife. What effect does such behavior have on a church’s mission?

In verses 5-9, Paul assesses the true role of Christian leaders. Does this minimize the importance of their roles as leaders or elevate their responsibility to walk in humility? How should we respond to this truth in our contemporary setting? Should we put Christian leaders on pedestals or attribute celebrity status to them? Consider Hebrews 13:7-19 and four responsibilities concerning Christian leaders:

  • They are to live lives that are worthy of imitation.
  • They are to hold to right doctrine.
  • They are to care for those under their charge.
  • Those under their charge are to respect the authority God has given them.

According to 1 Corinthians 3:10-15, God’s impending judgment will reveal the quality of work we do on the foundation of Christ. How should this inspire us?

The phrase “don’t you know” is used ten times in this letter and is always followed by a definitive statement. Looking at verses 16-17, what statement does he make? What is the significance of this statement?

How does Paul conclude this chapter? What points does he reiterate?


How does your work build on the foundation that Christ laid?


List one or two prayer concerns to share with your group. Pray for the Elders and leaders of your church.