Make Disciples

Make Disciples

What feelings come up when you think about telling other people about your faith? Do you feel confident sharing the gospel of Jesus with those of other faiths? Why or why not?

Read Matthew 28:16-20 aloud. What do you notice Jesus telling his disciples in this passage?

Saturday, we discussed how making disciples is simply helping others come to follow Jesus. Who are some key people who have helped you in following Jesus? 

In 2 Corinthians 5:20, Paul gives an identity statement the church at Corinth; "we are Ambassadors of Christ." What do you think it means to be an "ambassador" of Jesus? How would it change the way you live if this was your identity?

At Fellowship, we say that "truth travels best on the road of relationships." Do you have relationships with others who are not Christians? What might hinder you from sharing the gospel with them?

What do you think it would take for our small group to be a place where others could come to know and follow Jesus?

Let's close our time praying by name for others who are living life without God and have not received the grace and forgiveness that God offers in Jesus.

Daily Readings